It takes two to tango on the piano
Tango music — for two pianos — will be the order of the day on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 15-16, as pianists Pablo Ziegler and...

Tango x Shakuhachi, New Frontier, Pablo Ziegler performs with Dozan Fujiwara
[English Translation] *This is unofficial translation. "Tango x Shakuhachi," New Frontier, Pablo Ziegler performs with Dozan Fujiwara...

World Premier "12 Horas"
Being commissioned by Yokohama Art Foundation / Yokoaham Noh Theatre, I'll be presending a new composition "12 Horas" (12 Hours in...

Debut on Instagram!
I started my account @pablozieglermusic on Instagram. I'll posting photos from tours and recordings. Please follow me! Pablo Z

I'm on Twitter!
It's always exciting to start something new. This time, it is the Twitter! Please follow me @ziegler_pablo. I'll be tweeting my thought...

Celebrating the launch of "Ziegler Music & Academy" Website!
We are happy to announce the launch of "Ziegler Music & Academy" Website! Through this website, we'll be posting my upcoming project as a...